Perceptions towards different groups

This experiment focuses on your attitudes towards African Americans and European Americans.


Brian O'Shea. PhD Student, University of Warwick.

What is involved if you agree to participate?

  • You will complete a questionnaire as well as a reaction time (RT) computer based task.
  • The RT task involves you sorting pictures of African Americans, pictures of European Americans, positive words and negative words into categories.
  • During the experiment you may also be exposed to images you may find disturbing or unpleasant.
  • If you are not comfortable with these images you can terminate the experiment by closing the tab at any point.
  • If you decide at any point you do not wish to continue the experiment please close the tab.
  • You can email the above researcher to get a full debriefing if you decide to discontinue the experiment.
  • The experiment takes about 8 minutes and must be completed in one sitting.
  • Privacy & Confidentiality

  • Participation is totally anonymous and data will be stored on the password-protected computers of the researcher named above.
  • Your anonymized data may be shared with other researchers outside of the University of Warwick.

  • If you are over the age of 18 and happy to participate in this experiment, please check the box below before proceeding.When you check the box a pink "Start" button will appear. Click this to continue.

    I am happy to participate in this study.

    Loading images:

    Demographic Information



    How old are you?


    What is your race ?


    What is your current country/region of residence?


    If you are in the U.S. what state are you currently in?


    Please indicate the highest level of education that you have completed


    What is your political ideology?


    How religious are you?


    The continue button will only work when you answer all the questions. If you see "Please select one" in any of the drop down boxes you CANNOT continue

    WARNING!!! You will see images of diseases and infection which you may find disturbing or unpleasant. Please close the tab if you do not want to continue. Scroll down if you wish to continue

    Please ensure you view all the pictures below as you will be asked about them later

    When viewing the pictures, imagine how you and your friends/family would respond if you encountered these situations.

    A pink continue button will appear below here 30 seconds after this page has loaded. Click on it to continue the experiment.

    Please ensure you view all the pictures below as you will be asked about them later.

    When viewing the pictures, imagine how you and your friends/family would respond if you encountered these situations.

    The images above were disturbing and unpleasant?


    A pink continue button will appear below here 30 seconds after this page has loaded. Click on it to continue the experiment.

    WARNING!!! You will see images of terrorists and destruction which you may find disturbing or unpleasant. Please close the tab if you do not want to continue. Scroll down if you wish to continue

    Please ensure you view all the pictures below as you will be asked about them later

    When viewing the pictures, imagine how you and your friends/family would respond if you encountered these situations.

    A pink continue button will appear below here 30 seconds after this page has loaded. Click on it to continue the experiment.

    Please ensure you view all the pictures below as you will be asked about them later.

    When viewing the pictures, imagine how you and your friends/family would respond if you encountered these situations.

    The images above were disturbing and unpleasant?


    A pink continue button will appear below here 30 seconds after this page has loaded. Click on it to continue the experiment.

    Please ensure you view all the pictures below as you will be asked about them later.

    When viewing the pictures, imagine how you and your friends/family would respond if you encountered these situations.

    A pink continue button will appear below here 30 seconds after this page has loaded. Click on it to continue the experiment.

    Please ensure you view all the pictures below as you will be asked about them later.

    When viewing the pictures, imagine how you and your friends/family would respond if you encountered these situations.

    The images above were disturbing and unpleasant?


    A pink continue button will appear below here 30 seconds after this page has loaded. Click on it to continue the experiment.


    You will be presented with a set of words or images to classify into groups. Classify items as quickly as you can while making as few mistakes as possible. Going too slowly or making too many mistakes will result in an uninterpretable score.

    The following is a list of category labels and the items that belong to each of those categories.


    GoodJoy, Love, Peace, Wonderful, Pleasure, Glorious, Laughter, Happy
    BadAgony, Terrible, Horrible, Nasty, Evil, Awful, Failure, Hurt
    African AmericansFaces of African Americans
    European AmericansFaces of European Americans


    Keep in mind:



    Explicit Attitudes

    Which statement best describes you?


    Please rate how warm or cold you feel towards the following groups
    (0=coldest feelings, 5=neutral, 10=warmest feelings).

    African American European American


    Please ensure you have selected an option for each question. You should NOT see "Please Select one" in any of the drop down boxes

    You have completed the reaction time task. Please click the continue button to carry on with the experiment.

    This is the final page!!

    Please select what the main content was of the images you saw previously


    Is this your first time to do this experiment?


    Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

    I had a cold or flu recently,


    I am sensitive to internal bodily tensions.


    I know immediately when my mouth or throat gets dry.


    I can often feel my heart beating.


    I am quick to sense the hunger contractions of my stomach.


    I'm very aware of changes in my body temperature.


    The continue button will only work when you answer all the questions. If you see "Please select one" in any of the drop down boxes you CANNOT continue

    Thank you!

    The test is over. Thank you for taking part.


    This experiment measured your attitudes towards African Americans and European Americans

    Your conscious attitudes were measured using the questionnaires.The reaction time task (Implicit Association Test; Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998) has been claimed to be capable of measuring implicit attitudes.

    If you saw the image slideshow that showed building & furniture or terror threat images, this was not expected to increase your prejudice towards outgroup members (e.g. Black people if you are White).

    However, it was predicted that those who saw the diseases & infection images would have increased prejudice towards their outgroup compared with people who saw the building & furniture or the terror threat images.

    This increase in prejudice would be predicted based on parasite stress theory of values (see The parasite-stress theory of values and sociality: Infectious disease, history and human values worldwide by Thornhill & Fincher, 2014).

    If you have any concerns or questions about the experiment please email me.

    A formal complaint about this study can be made here.

    Your Results

    We have calculated your reaction time task score (Implicit Association Test score). Your score is based on how quick you were in the Black People / Bad vs. White People / Good version (pro-white block) compared to the Black People / Good vs. White People / Bad version (pro-black block). Some researchers regard differences in speed between these two versions/blocks as an indicators of a person's implicit attitude (e.g., If you respond faster on the pro-black block than on the pro-white block this could indicate you have an implicit preference for black people relative to white people).

    If you want to see your results click Show My Score. This score may surprise you or make you unhappy. Please close this tab/window to avoid seeing this score and to exit the experiement.